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February is here and so is the latest installment of our subscription. Get ready for spring with these fun, colorful designs. This month, you'll also receive five free quick to stitch patterns that won't be available on our website until March.
Pricing? The PDF version is just $12.99. Pattern by Mail is $21.99 (free shipping!) and kits are $83.99 (eight kits with everything needed minus scissors and glue and yes, free shipping).
Already subscribed. No need to do anything except wait. You'll be billed and the subscription delivered on the same day you signed up originally.
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We have been creating plastic canvas designs since 1995.
Our designs were first published in the House of White Birches and Annie's Attic books and magazines.
In early 2000 we started our site and have been creating canvas designs ever since. We hope you enjoy our products since we enjoy creating them for you.